Monday, April 8, 2013


In a world where we communicate online, where you don't have to look someone in the eye as you say something potentially hurtful, there has been a loss of simple manners. The students have come up with some basic guidelines for being polite online.


Don’t post inappropriate stuff.
Don’t post things that are private.
Don’t post as if you are someone else.
Don’t be rude.
Do not call them an impolite name.
Do make people happy
Don’t use hurtful words
Don’t cuss or use inappropriate words (you never know what kid is playing or your talking to).
Do tell the truth
Don’t cuss
Do be polite
Do say please and thank you
Do pretend you’re talking to a real person.
Do be kind.
Maybe try to have a conversation with tehm.
Do be respectful.
Don’t make fun of others
No foul language!
Post your self
Act like your good self
Be like your good self.
When you’re given something, act like you like it.
When you’re given something, write a thank you note.
When you meet someone, introduce yourself.
Do not call before 9am or past 8pm.
Shake hands
Don’t make crude jokes.
Don’t slap people.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What Topics are News-Worthy?

After much discussion and looking at current news headlines, Hannah, Emily, Scottie, Susan, Devin, Blaze, Matthew, Angel, and Hero came up with topics and headlines.

Earthquake (big ones)
Tragedy death
Famous people
Science discovery
Famous people being hacked
Christmas toy drive
School shootings
Famous people drama
Batman is real
Strong children
A very tragic or sad amazing death
Happy, cute stuff
Something all over the internet
Amazing accomplishments
New TV shows
More sad, homeless people getting a home
A pig getting his training wheels
Sad, tragic deaths
Lion attacks
Teacher abuse
Good works
Charity work

Fun Fake Headlines
A 36 year old woman clawed to death by all 30 of her cats
Justin Beiber got both his legs eaten off by a shark
Sophia murders 7 peasants walking the streets of Brazil and declared innocent
Tresseme shampoo makes all of a man’s hair fall out. RIP Kevin’s 3 foot long hair
Pig and ostrich hybrid? Pigs can now fly.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Fame by Hannah

What would you be famous for? 
I would want to be famous for singing. I like to sing so that would be something I would want to be famous for and I could probably date Niall Horan from One Direction.

What are the trade offs for fame? It would be hard to be a mom.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Fame by Emily

If I were famous, I would probably be an actress. I could possibly be famous, but I wouldn't want to be very famous. People who are really famous get criticized a lot. Anybody who's that famous is always criticized, no matter how good or bad they are.